Tip: to mimic the classic menus layout, you can move the Quick Access Toolbar below the Ribbon. This is also a "persistent" setting: Word will "remember" if you last wanted the Ribbon visible or hidden. If you hide it, the Ribbon will be hidden for all Word 2010 documents you have opened: you cannot have the Ribbon showing in one window, but not the other.
Tip: no need to release the Alt key for the quick keys above hold down Alt and press the other letter at the same time: then release, and click or press the final command's letter. Press and release the Alt key on your keyboard, and Word 2010 will show you which combination directly pulls down a tab from the Ribbon: When the Ribbon is hidden, just click on any of the tab headers to show their commands: everything is still available.If you double-click on any of the tabs, it will collapse or restore the ribbon as well (be aware of it, because it's easy to do accidentally!) Visit Stack Exchange Tour Start here for quick overview the site Help Center. That same button has become a down arrow, and only the Ribbon's tabs are now showing click on the arrow again to show the Ribbon. communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.Select Display from the listing at the left. In other words, although it appears as a 'persistent' setting, clicking the show/hide button in the Word 2010 ribbon will disable that option, which will.
In Word 2007, from the Office Button menu, select Word Options near the bottom right corner of the menu. The last checkbox, 'Show all formatting marks', is a bit confusing - so let's clarify what it does: checking it is akin to clicking on the Show/hide button when you are back in Microsoft Word. In Word 2010, on the File tab, click Options. Tip: you can also use the Ctrl+F1 keyboard shortcut to minimize and restore the Ribbon. To display or hide formatting marks (e.g., spaces, tabs, and paragraph breaks) in a Microsoft Word document: Word for Windows.
Free Downloadīring Tabbed Editing And Browsing To Office (Include Word), Far More Powerful Than The Browser's Tabs. including, but not limited to, paragraph marks. More Than 100 Powerful Advanced Features for Word, Save 50% Of Your Time. As Berton mentions in his post above, the Home tab (in Word 2010) includes an icon showing a paragraph mark.This, however, is for Show/Hide.Show/Hide toggles the view of multiple hidden formatting symbols.